
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Fun story: I don't have the internet. It's making getting the comic out really interesting. So right now I'm using my college's crappy network to get on here. So yeehaw.

I'm working with other ways to draw the comic, because the current method is incredibly inefficient. Seriously, this one here took me 8 hours again, and it certainly doesn't look like it should have. Y'see, right now it's drawn by hand, scanned, and then basically drawn again on the computer. So I'm experimenting with a few other methods to see what I like. It could be a while for the next comic (especially without a reliable internet connection), but it'll be worth it, I'm sure.

Anyway, a note for DM's: don't let any one player be a glory hog. Just because Pat's a Paladin (and I have to say, Paladins are traditionally the worst for it) he may feel entitled to always be in the middle of everything. In fact, he should be, he's the party melee fighter, and in a couple levels he'll be a healer too. As DM, it's your job to make sure everyone has fun, and to do that you have to recognize that other people will need to do things suitable for their class.

I dropped the ball on this adventure. It's straight up combat (in fairness, most of them end up being that way). That's fantastic for characters like Valdren the Paladin or Soverliss the Evoker, but it really left Tamaki in the dust (Thomas the Cleric is statistically a good choice, but Joseph prefers more roleplaying and political play). So remember: Fighting classes like to hit things with sticks, Magic users love opportunities to use a wide range of spells, and Expert classes like any sort of activity that relates to their skill choices.